Landlord and Property Tax
We will help you navigate the complicated world of tax that comes with owning a property, whether you’re an individual or a company.
There are many different taxes and fees involved in a property’s life cycle. From Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT) and VAT on purchase, to the Annual Tax on Enveloped Dwellings (ATED) during ownership, and Capital Gains Tax (CGT) or corporation tax (CT) on disposal. This makes it essential to have expert advice on limiting tax liability and ensure you pay no more than the correct amount.
Lawrence Accountants has extensive knowledge of property-related taxes, and the know-how to reduce the tax liabilities you’ll face during a property’s life cycle. We deal with all the tax filing and reporting requirements (including SDLT and ATED) and can guide you through the processes of paying and limiting your tax liabilities.
We advise on all issues relating to property taxation, including:
The best way to structure the acquisition of property
The tax treatment of debt finance
Maximising tax deductions and reliefs available such as capital allowance
The VAT implications of property transactions for businesses and advice on the sale of properties.
We also have extensive experience in dealing with the compliance aspects of ATED for clients who hold property through companies, including preparing and submitting annual ATED returns.
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Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. Give us a call or email us via the details below.